Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
hcw-athome-backend Fix this component to clear its alerts. 98% 1 3 2
hcw-athome-patient Fix this component to clear its alerts. 96% 9 90
Project website
Project maintainers User avatar olivierb
Languages 1
Source strings 725
Source words 3,611
Source characters 22,551
Hosted strings 349
Hosted words 2,286
Hosted characters 14,418
User avatar admin

Resource update

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientRussian

Resource update 3 months ago
User avatar admin

New strings to translate

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientRussian

New strings to translate 4 months ago
User avatar admin

Resource update

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientRussian

Resource update 4 months ago
User avatar admin

New string to translate

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-backendRussian

New string to translate 5 months ago
User avatar admin

Resource update

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-backendRussian

Resource update 5 months ago
User avatar admin

Replaced file by upload

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientRussian

Replaced file by upload 6 months ago
User avatar admin

New strings to translate

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientRussian

New strings to translate 6 months ago
User avatar admin

Resource update

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientRussian

Resource update 6 months ago
User avatar pavelc

Translation changed

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-backendRussian

Dear interpreter,

We have received a request from a caregiver for an interpreter on the %(branding)s platform:
Caregiver language: %(doctorLanguage)s
Patient language: %(patientLanguage)s
Date: %(inviteTime)s

To confirm your availability or not, please click on the link below

If, after 48 hours, no one confirms availability, we will assume that no one is available.

Thank you
Уважаемый переводчик,

Мы, на платформе %(branding)s, получили запрос на перевод от лица, осуществляющего уход:
язык лица, осуществляющего уход: %(doctorLanguage)s
язык пациента: %(patientLanguage)s
дата и время: %(inviteTime)s

Вы можете подтвердить свою (не)готовность по ссылке

Если вы не сможете подтвердить свою готовность в течение 48 часов, будем считать что вы не доступны.

Спасибо за внимание.
6 months ago
User avatar pavelc

Translation changed

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientRussian

6 months ago
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