Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
hcw-athome-backend Fix this component to clear its alerts. 10
hcw-athome-doctor Fix this component to clear its alerts. 98% 7 69 23
hcw-athome-patient Fix this component to clear its alerts. 94% 15 160 14
Project website
Project maintainers User avatar olivierb
Languages 1
Source strings 725
Source words 3,611
Source characters 22,551
Hosted strings 725
Hosted words 3,611
Hosted characters 22,551
User avatar None

Suggestion removed during cleanup

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientFrench

10 days ago
10 days ago
New contributor 10 days ago
User avatar None

Suggestion added

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-patientFrench

11 days ago
User avatar admin

New strings to translate

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-doctorFrench

New strings to translate a month ago
User avatar admin

Resource update

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-doctorFrench

Resource update a month ago
User avatar admin

Source string changed

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-doctorFrench

Are you sure you want to resend the invitation? The invitation shouldwill be resent the way it was sent originally using the same channel. This action also resets expired invitations.
3 months ago
User avatar admin

Translation changed

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-doctorFrench

This form allows you to report a problem encountered while using @{{branding}} . Before reporting an incident, please verify that you are using @{{branding}} under the best possible conditions:
Ce formulaire vous permet de remonter un problème rencontré pendant l'utilisation de {{branding}}. Avant de rapporter un incident, merci de vérifier que vous utilisez bien {{branding}} dans les conditions optimales :
3 months ago
User avatar admin

Translation changed

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-doctorFrench

Are you sure you want to resend the invitation? The invitation will be resent the way it was sent originally using the same channel. This action also resets expired invitations.
Êtes-vous certain de vouloir renvoyer le lien d'invitation par SMS ou Email ?? L'invitation sera renvoyée de la manière dont elle a été envoyée à l'origine en utilisant le même canal. Cette action permet également de réinitialiser les invitations échues.
3 months ago
User avatar admin

Translation changed

HCW@Home / hcw-athome-doctorFrench

Invite a colleague
Inviter un collègue
3 months ago
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